
the book

If you showed a caveman a flashlight, he would make you a king.
So what would he make you if you showed him curly fries?

Buy Godsquatter on Amazon.

Since the dawn of time, one question has consumed the imagination: Who wins the internet? For a while it seemed to be cats and dancing hamsters. Then along came mega-bookstores, online auctions, and an endless barrage of fashionable influencers. But eventually one star rose to overshadow all others, dominate the web, and redirect the course of human development—and it does not share the spotlight. 

From beneath us they grow.
From around us they influence.
From above us they harvest.
Revolution will be instant.

Godsquatter explores the world of trendy memes, celebrity culture and starchy addiction while asking the really big questions: Why do we love the things we love? Why’s the world so messed up all the time? And what would YOU do for a tater tot?

Buy Godsquatter on Amazon.

From the blog…

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